#hibiki okawa
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theyre-the-same-picture · 7 months ago
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luna-3-clips · 2 years ago
This is my third thought in the past 20 minutes 😭
I have a lot to say:
Hibiki Okawa looks like a hyena
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It's mainly the hair, but I have always seen him as a hyena
Also, Okawa looks more like Rin than Rin does Rin Just Look:
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Is this one just me?
I have one more, Okawa is gay. Hear me out.. He looks gay (to me) or at least some form of queer. I kinda ship him with Niko. And look:
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The translation of the text is "[Team Y} BL Ranking". But if you look at it without the translation the Chi character (the first one) kinda looks like a J, and in some words can sound like G. The Mu character (the one that looks like a triangle) kinda looks like an A, and then we have the Y. Put it all together and take out the dash and you get 'Gay'
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idontthinkimokaymentally · 10 months ago
Hello there Hibiki Okawa fans.
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bluelockblog · 6 months ago
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kingkunigami · 11 months ago
Specifically thinking thigh fucking with Hibiki. He’s tried from training and comes home to find you in those short shorts that have him completely insane. The fabric digging into the fat of your thighs as you lay asleep on your side, and it’s all he can do to stop himself from mounting you there and then.
He tries to be subtle about it, he knows that you’ve probably had a long day too. But he just can’t help himself— snuggling into your back as he leans into your warmth, his palms stroke along the exposed skin on your legs and he can feel his cock throb from the feel of it. But the long, languid strokes he gives himself aren’t enough. They never are when it comes to you.
So he’s wrapping a hand around your thigh to pull them together, sliding his cock between your legs with a pathetic groan when he feels the weight of them surround him. His leaky tip peeks out as he ruts his hips firm and consistent. Whining into your neck when he feels you rouse from slumber, moving to twist out of his grip as he moves a hand down to palm the meat of your thigh to stop it happening. Pressing a kiss to your ear as he begs you to “let me have this.”
And you do.
Your fingers slip down to tease his drooling tip every time he ruts his hips forward, smearing his pre against your thighs as he has to stop himself from coming undone. Wanting to indulge in you a little longer as he fights back his climax, focusing on the shake of your thighs every time he fucks forward as you whine every time the length of him grazes your crotch through your shorts. Certain he can feel how wet you are through the thin layer of fabric as he moves his fingers to dig into the apex of your thigh.
Hibiki barely lasts three more thrusts before he’s whining against your ear, warm breath fanning your skin as he cums with a pathetic grunt. Spilling his seed between your thick thighs as he stills between them, cherishing the final few moments of you wrapped around his cock.
But Hibiki isn’t a man that’ll leave you unsatisfied. Feeling the way your thighs rub together around his semi-hard cock, trying to give your cunt some needed relief as he pulls back with a grunt; spreading your legs apart to see his creamy spend glistening against your inner thighs.
It’s barely ten seconds before he’s pulling your shorts down to bury his face between those same plush thighs, wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking hard. Desperate to feel those same pretty thighs wrapped just as tight around his skull.
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bluelocksource · 2 months ago
hi do you know the popularity result for 1st and 2nd poll? i think i never seen it.
hello. answer under the cut.
1st character popularity result
The first character popularity result was announced in 2020.
1st - Isagi (2,568 votes)
2nd - Nagi (2,316 votes)
3rd - Bachira (2,184 votes)
4th - Chigiri (1,148 votes)
5th - Barou (1,048 votes)
6th - Rin (1,028 votes)
7th - Kunigami (748 votes)
8th - Anri (692 votes)
9th - Reo (624 votes)
10th - Ego (437 votes)
11th - Aryuu (424 votes)
12th - 23rd:
Sae (336 votes) - Kuon (300 votes) - Kira (249 votes) - Raichi (220 votes) - Zantetsu (212 votes) - Igaguri (156 votes) - Naruhaya (128 votes) - Niko (96 votes) - Iemon (64 votes) - Imamura (60 votes) - Wanima Keisuke (52 votes) - Ego's Glasses (46 votes)
24rd - 32nd:
Gagamaru (35 votes) - Okawa Hibiki (31 votes) - Tokimitsu (25 votes) - Wanima Junichi (20 votes) - Noa (12 votes) - BLUE LOCK MAN & Nishioka (3 votes) - Buratsuta, Shohei Inaba (Matsukaze High School goalkeeper)
1 vote:
Ishikari - Isagi's father - Reo's father - Kunigami's mother, Kunigami's sister - Itoshi Rin's lower eyelashes - Naruhaya's sister - Girolan Dabadie - The old man with dreadlocks (player) - Reo's female entourage - Team X's goalkeeper - Isagi's coach - Okachan - Soccer Journal's journalist Nihei - Ego's yakisoba cup - Natto.
2nd character popularity result.
The second character popularity result was announced in 2022.
1st - Itoshi Rin (26,150 votes)
2nd - Isagi (11,567 votes)
3rd - Naho (9,506 votes)
4th - Bachira (4,178 votes)
5th - Chigiri (3,996 votes)
6th - Reo (1,358 votes)
7th - Kunigami (1,168 votes)
8th - Barou (985 votes)
9th - Hiori (724 votes)
10th - Kaiser (635 votes)
11th - Aiku (563 votes)
12th - 22nd:
Sae (533 votes) - Gagamaru (498 votes) - Ego (490 votes) - Karasu (404 votes) - Shidou (385 votes) - Yukimiya (296 votes) - Raichi (296 votes) - Aryuu (210 votes) - Anri (127 votes) - Otoya (89 votes) - Niko (57 votes)
23rd - 34th:
Tokimitsu (56 votes) - Igaguri (45 votes) - Kurona (31 votes) - Kira (29 votes) - Sendou (28 votes) - Noa (20 votes) - Nishioka (16 votes) - Zantetsu (13 votes) - Ness (12 votes) - Kuon (11 votes) - Naruhaya , Iemon (10 votes)
35th - 45th:
Chris (9 votes) - Nanase (8 votes) - Chigiri's sister (6 votes) - T-ya, Tada-chan (5 votes) - Loki, Lavinho. Luna (4 votes) - Wanima Junichi, Buratsuta, Darai (3 votes)
2 votes:
Isagi's father - Kiyora - Tanaka Shingen - Bleu Lock Man - Inaba Shohei - Natsuki Harutaro (the sportscaster)
1 vote:
Ego's glasses - Ishikari - Haiji Shizuka - Adam Blake - The steak that Kunigami and Isagi ate in chapter 9 - Saramadara - Theo Sachs - Niou - Mensah - Hoichi Yasumori - Soccer ball - Onigiri - Chigiri's mother - Yuzu Haruhiko - Young Bachira - Teppei - Ignacio Lara - Hologram - Shiguma Kyohei - Okawa Hibiki - Himizu Aiki - Isagi's mother.
src: 1 | 2
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la2yn0va · 7 months ago
I have a request, what if after this: https://www.tumblr.com/la2yn0va/758670046855872512/can-you-write-a-smut-male-reader-with-the-reader?source=share
Rin is tied to a chair completely naked and forced to watch how several Blue Lock boys fuck his stepbrother (by Sae's orders) who is outside the city, but the camera the boys put up will let him see everything when they send him the video later.
The boys can be whoever you want, but could you add Ryosuke Kira and Hibiki Okawa?
..nah that’ll be uncomfortable to write. I’ll write smut for Two characters max but an orgy? Nah, that’s like, the only thing that makes me uncomfortable. (Along with other things I don’t care to list) but.. idk, maybe I’ll write this sometime down the line.
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oo-mi-ru-oo · 2 years ago
Blue Lock art~
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vrmxlho · 2 years ago
i made a blue lock quiz
do it rn 😡
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strikerandoverachiever · 3 years ago
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Don’t know what’s up with the animal costumes, but either way, Niko and Okawa look real funny & cute!😂😄❤️❤️❤️
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foggytiredwombat · 2 years ago
Blue Lock's characters' Suns (2nd verse)
Et voila, I went and fished out the Suns of all the characters (let's call them main okay, in my heart they are whops) and in orderly order:
As might be expected only two Aries Suns, respectively: Jinpachi Ego (I mean, calling an Aries "Ego"? Oof) and Yoichi Isagi.
Again, only two Taurus Suns ("only" so to speak): Seishiro Nagi and Kenyu Yukimiya.
Here's the real surprise: no Gemini Suns. Actually, almost no position in Gemini, whether Moon or Mercury or Venus or Mars. Since this is a sport of technique as much as power, I expected to find some.
Anyway, unto the next best thing---Cancer Suns. Jesus, how many and how crucial they are to the plot. The next time you feel ashamed that you were born in late June or mid-July and can't brag to all your friends that you have a cool sign, think of the animal that most represents you (and it's not a fucking crab, please be serious): the alligator.
Here we have: Gurimu Igarashi, Ryusei Shido, Shoei Baro, Aiku Oliver, Yudai Imamura.
Leo Suns shine here, too: Meguru Bachira, Reo Mikage, Anri Teieri, Tabito Karasu, Tokimitsu Aoshi.
Sole exponent of Virgo Suns, Rin Itoshi. Blatant.
Incredibly few Libra Suns, and interestingly we have Sae Itoshi and Jingo Raichi, born on October 10 and 11, respectively. Canonically. Go figure.
Given the level of intensity and constant metamorphosis being one of the central themes of the manga, I thought more Scorpio Suns would appear. We do have four, two expected: Okuhito Iemon and Wataru Kuon; two unexpected: Jyubei Aryu and Tsurugi Zantetsu.
Sagittarius Suns, four: Yo Hiori, Otoya Eita, Hibiki Okawa, Yukio Ishikari, Keisuke and Junichi Wanima. Unimpressive so far. Then again, Sag placements crop up everywhere in these natal charts. Especially Sag Mars.
As Capricorn Suns, Gin Gagamaru, Aiki Himizu, Nijiro Nanase and Hyoma Chigiri. Good for you Hyoma, good for you (Capricorn rules over the bones btw. Just sayin').
Only one Aquarius Sun, master manipulator Niko Ikki. Rightfully, he's the sole survivor of his team since he was the one orchestrating the goals from behind-the-scenes.
Pisces Suns, prepare yourselves: Asahi Naruhaya and Rensuke Kunigami. Fair and square, as one can say.
Stay tuned for more astro-bullshit <3
(missing ones' birth dates aren't revealed yet apparently)
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nntheblog · 3 years ago
Who Are The Eliminated Characters Of Blue Lock?
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Today, I will be talking about the characters of Blue Lock who are eliminated. Blue Lock is a method that trims and cuts the fat in order to select the best players. When there are 300 participants in a competition that is so intense and competitive, it's obvious someone will be eliminated. Let's now look at all the Blue Lock characters that were eliminated. This post contains important spoilers. All players from Blue Lock have been eliminated Ryosuke Kira Kira is the first to be eliminated among Blue Lock characters. To be honest, his way to elimination was quite sad. He was unable to deal with the consequences. This also exposed his negative side and revealed what he thought about Isagi. He was quickly forgotten as a character in the series after his expulsion. The hit you see above was actually for Isagi, which he avoided. You can see how far Isagi got! Okuhito Iemon It is unfair that Iemon was eliminated. He was never allowed to play as a striker from the beginning. He had to remain a goalkeeper. We never saw his skill! Yes, he was a good goalkeeper but he also missed many chances. Perhaps the mangaka wanted to address us with the goal misses that Iemon didn't make enough. He is also the one that I believe gets the least attention of all players. Wataru Kuon This guy was going to be eliminated anyway. Kuon and other players are an insult to sportsmanship. Kuon not only sold the secrets of his entire team, but also deliberately scored goals to ensure that no one else is elected. Although he tried to make a clever move in the final round, he was eliminated because he did not have the necessary skills to play at the nationals. What can you expect from someone who cheats? Yudai Imamura There is very little between Naruhaya and Imamura. Imamura felt weaker than many of his teammates. He did not score a goal and he didn't play any significant role in matches. He was eliminated after the selection became very intense. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the final result. Asahi Naruhaya Since the beginning of the manga, I honestly had little faith in Imamura, Iemon, and Naruhaya. These three characters were not even mentioned by the mangaka, which was more than a sign they would be eliminated soon. Surprised, Naruhaya tried to fight Isagi but was outclassed quickly in both strength and skills. That was it! After no one had selected Naruhaya, he was eliminated! This was a sad day for me! Rensuke Kunigami Kunigami was ready to be a captain. Kunigami's attitude to any situation was maturer than many players. He was also able to play against other teams... However, his skills were not enough to get him through the Blue Lock's tough walls. But, wait! Kunigami is an exceptional case! He is the "Dark Horse", of the series. He was eliminated and then he was allowed to enter the Wild-Card Entry. After that, we didn't see him again for quite some time. After many chapters, we finally saw the "New Kunigami." illustration By Highend69 Did he not change a lot? He is unquestionably 100x more powerful and skilled than before. He beat all Blue Lock players in a fitness test. He also has the ability to copy Noel Noa's skills! He can also control the ball using both his legs with the same accuracy. Although the anime will not show everything, I hope that if there is a second season, we will get to see him in his new avatar! Hibiki Okawa Okawa's team was first to challenge Isagi. Okawa's style is explosive and unlike many others... He can be very inactive for long periods of time and then suddenly change the match. All of this power was actually derived from Ikki who managed to control Okawa's abilities. We don't know how Okawa was eliminated but the chapters show Okawa leaving Blue Lock campus looking sad. Keisuke Wanima The Wanima brothers are well-known for their complete understanding of the field. They look identical, except that the older brother doesn't speak as much and has a different facial expression. It becomes nearly impossible to break the teamwork of these brothers when they get serious on the field. Their weakness was in this area! Things turned sour when a player broke into their flow. And that led to Keisuke Wanima, the younger player, being eliminated. The older brother must also have exceptional skills. It is my question as well whether he can break into the Blue Lock's top. Is There More Elimination? The situation is now much better after a series eliminations. This could be due to many reasons. First and foremost, the remaining players are extremely talented! Isagi and the other survivors are among the 300 players who entered Blue Lock. It's not worth it to get rid of such great players that have the potential to be Japan's greatest football players. Which is your opinion? Which one do you think will be eliminated? Conclusion All the characters mentioned above have been eliminated. They won't get the chance to participate in nationals. It's up to the mangaka whether they will ever be seen. According to my observations, the mangaka does not introduce a player after an elimination. Blue Lock is a hard truth. Read the full article
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luna-3-clips · 2 years ago
So, I was just re-watching some of Blue Lock when I saw this..
You know how in the beginning the animator/s did little cameo's of other characters in the series?
Well this is the first scene that happens:
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Some characters are shown later on but they're the main focus of the scene instead of scattered about.
Going from left to right, here are the characters in the frame.
Jin Kiyora Shizuka Haiji Aoshi Tokimitsu Jyubei Aryu Yukio Ishikari Hibiki Okawa Shingen Tanaka Zantetsu Tsurugi Light Yagami
I just wanna take a moment to talk about what in the world is Zantetsu wearing?
Like, everyone else is in formal attire and then we have Zantetsu who's wearing a floral shirt (that looks like something a grandma would wear, I'm sorry).
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bluelockblog · 9 months ago
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bluelocksource · 2 years ago
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Blue Lock characters’ Q&A from twitter: Okawa Hibiki.
Q: Hobby?
A: Memorizing all train stations and their routes.
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aikatsustarsblog · 6 years ago
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Aikatsu Dive!!
Suzuki Hanabi (aine)
Mado Madoka (mio)
Yozukushi Liora (maika)
Graciella Bonnet (ema)
Okawa Mei (sakuya)
Okawa Mia (kaguya)
Mariella Bueno (hibiki)
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